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हाम्रो बारेमा

Bani Bilas Secondary School is situated in Pyangaun-5, Chapagaun Village Development Committee (VDC) in Lalitpur District among the 41 VDCs about 8 km south of Patan, Lagankhel. This VDC is recognized as one of the 18 most densely populated areas in the district and is notable as the VDC with the highest number of schools in operation. Bani Bilas Secondary School, which was established and approved in the year 2017 B.S. (1960 A.D.), is celebrating its golden jubilee, marking fifty years since its establishment and entering its fifty-first year.

At the establishment period the classes had run at Patee (the one roomed open public house) at Pyangaun Tole in Chapagaun VDC. Then after for a few years, it was at home of Late Narama Maharjan, Tahakhel Tole, and at Guthighar in Pyangaun respectively. In 2037 B.S. it had a new building near that Guthighar. That building was not enough for the classes so we were compelled to run 5 classes within that building. In 2044 B.S. it was shifted in the new eight-roomed L-shaped building built with the help of Chapagaun Gaun Panchayat, Leo Club of Himalayas Patan and local community and then it was totally free from the problem of rooms for few years. After the construction of that building, the number of students increased. This school remained primary school till 2047 B.S. (1990 A.D.). Since next year, it had started upgrading for secondary level and it appeared in the S.L.C. examination for the first time in 2052/53 B.S. (1996 A.D.) At the very beginning the S.L.C. result was not satisfactory but later on it has succeeded in securing good results between 85% - 100%.

            We still have many challenges and opportunities for educational development. They are as follows:

  •  To establish one of the best English medium community schools.
  • To equip the school with a Science Lab, a Computer Lab and a Library Room.
  • To provide the refreshment training for the teachers.
  • To provide the students with internet facility.
  • To manage the administration office and the teacher/staff office.
  • To use modern educational materials (multimedia/TV/Projector etc.)
  • To install the CCTV in the classroom
  • To run the extra curricular activities
  • To manage the waiting room for visitors.
  • To maintain greenery in school area.
  • To publish out cent percent results in the S.L.C.
  • To upgrade in the higher secondary level.
  • To complete the 12 roomed building in 3 years and the next business com school building should be completed within 9 years.

In this school, most of the teachers are qualified and trained for the betterment of this school, we can generate continuous income source (to build a business complex in the roadside land). Though we have been able to enhance the quality of education in our school year after year, the physical infrastructure since its establishment for the further educational development. It has to emphasize on extra co-curricular activities and research oriented programme. For this purpose we will have to wait for more years and years and make more efforts with great patience. So we have many challenges that have to be faced in coming years. In fact not only BANI BILAS SCHOOL but also the whole community schools are facing these challenges. So we have to prepare whole components as well as physical infrastructures for the betterment of education.

हाम्रो परिवार

सम्पर्क ठेगाना

वाणी विलास माध्यमिक विद्यालय

चापागाउँ, गाेदावरी नगरपालिका-११, ललितपुर, बागमती प्रदेश

फोन नं.: ०१५२६५४२६
