Pyang Mana

Namaste! My name is Sanam Sanjel . This project is given by class teacher Rahita  Rai .My title is ''Pyang Mana''. I explore  information about my title  ''Pyang Mana''. Asking  my parents .

''Pyang  Mana'' is oldest measuring device which is used to measure liquid  and grains in local level.  It is made by wood and bamboo. It is firstly used in Pyangaun  area made by the Pyangaun people .There are many types  of ''Pyang Mana''.

In past ,time they weight ,liquid and other quantity in ''Pyang Mana .

In our village ,there is also a ''Pyang Mana'' .

We  used ''Pyang Mana'' to measure volume of liquid . 

In past time ,there is no Digital Balance . So Pyangaun people made ''Pyang Mana''.

सम्बन्धित पाेस्ट