
Hello! it's me Samyam Maharjan from class 5. My title of this project is "Pathi", which was given by my science teacher Rahita  Rai from Unit-1 lesson-measurement. I explore about my title asking paents and searching on google.        

      "Pathi" is a traditional measuring device used by our grandparents. There are many kinds of pathi which are made by different materials like wooden rods, copper, bronze, etc. It is like 3 to 4 feet long. People used to measure both liquid and solid substances using it. It is a traditional measuring device in  Nepali culture. It is found in different shapes and sizes. Firstly it was made by the people of Pyangaun by bamboo. then it was made by brass, and made by iron and now it is made from copper. 

      One of the most fascinating aspects of the pathi is it's adaptability to the diverse landscapes of Nepal. from the steep slopes of the Himalayas to the flat plains of the Terai Region, the pathi provides a simple yet effective means of measurement. In agriculture, for example, farmer use the pathi to determine the spacing between crops or the size of their fields. In construction, builders rely on the pathi to measure distance and heights, ensuring precision in their work. As Nepal navigates the challenges of modernization and development , the pathi serves as a remainder of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and traditional knowledge.

I find this project very interesting. I feel very happy to do this project. I had never done like this, but today I get the chance to do it. So, thank you very much mininepal, and thank you to Abhimanyu sir as well.


सम्बन्धित पाेस्ट